Tuesday, July 5, 2011

First week back

Week 7: 6/20/11 - 6/26/11 (5 weeks remain)

Monday: Off day:

Tuesday: 9 miles, general aerobic.

Wednesday: 14 miles, long run. This was the first serious run I did since having been backed - it really sucked. Clearly my legs have forgotten how to run in the intervening 5 weeks.

Thursday: 7 miles, recovery.

Friday: Can't remember what I did...

Saturday: 6 miles, recovery.

Sunday: 20 miles, long run. I was actually kind of surprised at how well this went, given how long I'd not been doing any serious running. Although I was tired by the end, I never actually hit the wall. I think this is actually a pretty promising sign that there may be some residual fitness left over from April.

Total weekly mileage: 56.

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