Tuesday, July 5, 2011

No clever title this week

Week 8: 6/27/11 - 7/3/11 (4 weeks remain)

Monday: Off day.

Tuesday: Didn't run; busy doing shit.

Wednesday: 9 miles with 5 x 600 intervals. This was my first time doing a hard workout since having been back, and while not stellar, I think the results were acceptable. I did the intervals beginning every 3:00 minutes, and ran in 1:54, 1:50, 1:50, 1:53, 1:54. The spread was a little on the high side, and the speed wasn't what it was the last time I ran this (~ 5.3% decrease in performance), although some of this decrease in performance may also be do to not yet having acclimated to the increased temperature and humidity since March.

Thursday: 15 mile medium long run. I got into the zone on this one for the first time since having been back. Cruised down the Charles to the Arsenal Bridge and back

Friday: 6 miles, recovery.

Saturday: Didn't run; instead, crossed trained by going on a bike trip (~50 miles round-trip) with SP to Walden Pond.

Sunday: 18 miles, long run. This was a total shitstorm. I decided to run earlier today (~1:00) than I customarily do, since I was planning to meet up with some friends for dinner later in the evening. The increased heat and humidity (> 80 degrees and ~70% humidity) were miserable. Better luck next week, I suppose :-/.

Total weekly milage: 48 (plus biking).

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